Recognition and Rewards
At Northern Federation we recognise effort and personal achievements in line with our learning values and behaviour policy. Whilst we believe it is important for our children to be intrinsically motivated, we also feel that is is important that they are celebrated for their achievements.
Infant school
Individual recognition includes:
Stickers, praise certificates, star of the week, conversations with parents
Class and team recognition:
Team tokens which are earnt by groups or individuals for showing our school values which work towards a team celebration.
Class marble jars which are focused on teamwork and work towards a class based celebration.
Junior School
Individual recognition includes:
Stickers, personalised postcards, star of the week certificates, conversations with parents,
Ambassador badges which are awarded to children for demonstrating our learning values. These children are recognised as exemplary role models to their peers.
Class and team:
House point tokens which are earnt by groups or individuals for showing our school values which work towards a team celebration.
Across the federation we celebrate our 'Stars of the week' for their effort and personal achievements. These are awarded in whole school assembly.